Friday, March 30, 2012

Fried Calamari a'la Riri

Kemaren iseng-iseng nyoba bikin calamari goreng, kebetulan lagi ada cumi juga di kulkas daaan si suami suka banget sama cumi goreng, eh alhamdulillah rasanya enak :) Cara bikinnya juga gampang dan bahan-bahannya mudah didapat, satu hal yang gw ga suka adalah pasca nge-goreng si cumi, itu lhooo.. bau-nya nempel deh kayanya ke tembok rumah.. 

Anywaaay, berikut bahan-bahan yang diperluin :
2 buah cumi besar yang udah bersih (gw beli cumi beku di Chinese supermarket) > potong bentuk cincin
Tepung breadcrumbs
Telur ayam
Tepung kobe (optional)
Kecap Maggi
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Susu putih cair

Cuci si cumi sampe bersih trus lumurin kecap maggi (Kalo gw cuma 3-5 tetes), taburin merica dan garem abis itu rendem pake air susu kira-kira 2-3 jam.. 
Kenapa pake air susu? Konon, ini bisa membuat si cumi tetep empuk walopun digoreng dalam waktu lama..
Nah kalo udah, buang si air susu dan cumi-nya langsung dipotong-potong..
Kemudian gulung-gulung si cumi ke tepung kobe trus celupin ke telor (jangan lupa kocok dulu) trus terakhir gulung-gulung di tepung breadcrumbs.. Sisihkan.. Goreng di minyak yang udah panas dengan api sedang (agar tidak gosong).
Mudah kan?
Selamat Mencobaa... :)

*Foto menyusul (nanti kalo bikin lagi gw sisipin foto-nya), kemaren ngga sempet foto karena udah kelaperan.. :p

Monday, March 26, 2012

You and I

Pertama kali denger lagu ini, saya langsung jatuh cinta! Repeat and repeat, dengerin lirik-nya, saya makin jatuh cinta! Hidup seakan ngga kenal beban, masalah dan apapun itu yang ngga enak buat dibahas. Inti-nya cuma satu kata, LOVE! Terkesan dangdut? Engga sama sekali. Kalo dengerin lagu ini apalagi bareng pasangan trus nyanyi bareng, "dunia milik berdua"-nya langsung deh berasa... berasa bangeeet.. :)

You and I by Ingrid Michaelson

Don't You Worry, There My Honey
We Might Not Have Any Money
But We've Got Our Love To Pay The Bills

Maybe I Think You're Cute And Funny,

Maybe I Wanna Do What Bunnies Do With You,
If You Know What I Mean

Oh, Let's Get Rich And Buy Our Parents Homes In The South Of France

Let's Get Rich And Give Everybody Nice Sweaters
And Teach Them How To Dance
Let's Get Rich And Build Our House On A Mountain
Making Everybody Look Like Ants
From Way Up There, You And I, You And I, You And I,

Well You Might Be A Bit Confused

And You Might Be A Little Bit Bruised
But Baby How We Spoon Like No One Else
So I Will Help You Read Those Books
If You Will Soothe My Worried Looks
And We Will Put The Lonesome On The Shelf

Oh Let’s Get Rich And Buy Our Parents Homes In The South Of France

Let's Get Rich And Give Everybody Nice Sweaters
And Teach Them How To Dance
Let's Get Rich And Build Our House On A Mountain
Making Everybody Look Like Ants
From Way Up There You And I, You And I, You And I

Oh, Let’s Get Rich And Buy Our Parents Homes In The South Of France

Let's Get Rich And Give Everybody Nice Sweaters
And Teach Them How To Dance
Let's Get Rich And Build Our House On A Mountain
Making Everybody Look Like Ants
From Way Up There You And I, You And I, You And I

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Catatan Kuliah...

Tadi pagi sebelum Ibam berangkat kantor..
I : Sayang, liat deh (sambil nunjukkin binder-nya ke gw, binder itu yang dia pake pas kuliah dan sampe sekarang masih dipake) Trus dia misahin kertas yang bekas kuliah dan dimasukkin ke dalam plastik sambil bilang : "Jangan dibuang ya ini.."
R : "Oke.."
I : "Kenapa coba jangan dibuang?"
R : "Karena itu penting.."
I : "Umm.. iya sih ini penting, tapi yang lebih penting lagi karena ini catatan kuliah aku dulu dan aku mau simpen buat anak kita nanti, biar mereka bisa ngeliat catatan kuliah aku.. Dulu Mama-ku juga ngeliatin catatan kuliah-nya ke aku.. Aku seneng bisa liat catatan kuliah Mama-ku..
R : "Waaa, gimana sayang catatan-nya Mama dulu? pasti rapih deh" 
I : "Iyaa, rapih banget, semua-nya teratur dan jelas"
R : "Aaaahhh, just like you... :)"

Setelah ini gw jadi mikir masih ada apa ngga ya catatan kuliah gw dulu? :P

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hoppípolla - Sigur Rós


Hendumst í hringi
Höldumst í hendur
Allur heimurinn óskýr
nema þú stendur
Allur rennvotur
Engin gúmmístígvél
Hlaupandi í okkur ?
Vill springa út úr skel
Vindur í
og útilykt ? af hárinu þínu
Ég lamdi eins fast og ég get
með nefinu mínu
Hoppa í poll
Í engum stígvélum
Allur rennvotur(rennblautur)
Í engum stígvélum
Og ég fæ blóðnasir
En ég stend alltaf upp
Og ég fæ blóðnasir
En ég stend alltaf upp


Spinning round and round
Holding hands
The whole world a blur
But you are standing

Completely drenched
No rubber boots
Running inside us
Want to erupt from a shell

The Wind
An outdoor smell of your hair
I breathe as hard as I can
with my nose

Jump into puddles
With no boots on
Completely drenched(Soaked)
With no boots on

And I get a nosebleed
But I always stand up

And I get a nosebleed
But I always stand up


One of the best places to visit! If i have to choose which one country in South East Asia that i really want to go, the answer is definitely Thailand! Why? The first reason (this is very important for me) is because everything in Thailand is cheap. Yeah, admit it guys..
Food, hotels, public transportation, and of courseee the shops! If you're in Bangkok and you go to the Platinum Plaza (actually it's not kinda fancy malls) you will see lots of cheap-nice shoes, cheap-cute clothes and many many of them (they're not selling a brandy stuffs). I think all of their goods are from local brand, however, the quality is not that bad (at all). One more thing, if you go to the market like Chatuchak market or Pratunam, be ready for the crowd!

View from Hotel, Krabi
Another reason is (i think) everybody's reason too. Similar to Indonesia, Thailand also has lots of beautiful cities and islands. Pattaya, Phuket, Phi-Phi Island, Krabi, and many more. I picked Krabi for my Honeymoon destination. It was very nice! Small city with a wonderful atmosphere. I also had a very pleasant treat from the locals.
The beaches are always suits your desire they just can't take your eyes off of them. hahaha (i know it's too much). Anyhoww, If you're a beach person then you definitely should go there!

Wat Arun

at Grand Palace, Bangkok

Somewhere near The Grand Palace

With my Mom - Inside the Grand Palace

I'm Jealous!
 S(he) is beautiful! at Pattaya
 "Alcazar Cabaret Show"

at Grimsby & Streaper, Ripley's Pattaya

Thursday, March 15, 2012



Hello Kitty-Dr. Marten's Shoes. Cute isn't it? Dare to wear this? :D

I think this is one of the most wanted boots in winter! The fur inside the shoes will warm up your feet.

These boots are must have items! For some people maybe these shoes are too simple, but for me is way too much comfort! Ankle boots always boost my mood ;)

 Wedge Boots - If it's black, no need to worry then. For me, as long as they're still black even it's in weird shape, let's put them on!

I used to like Ugg Boots, but not anymore. Sometimes Uggs can make your style looks bad. However, The Ugg sheep skin boots can be a practical boots..