Monday, March 12, 2012


Everybody loves SG. Everybody has their own story in SG. I have mine, and I'll share it to you. One of my favorite things that i like from SG is THE AIRPORT.
Changi Airport is the best Airport that i've landed so far. Free wifi, nice outlet shops and you can easily get something whatever you need at that airport in every spots. Most of the time if i had to travel to other country, i always had to transfer my flight via SG. Once, i had my 6 hours for waiting my next flight to Jakarta. Thank God i was in Changi, a bit bored at first but i then traveled around the airport using train terminal transfer. Pretty silly i know, but it was fun :p
I felt like Changi is 'in other way' like mini SG. Hahaha. 
Some people say that SG is the best place for shopping because the price is really cheap. But for me, i think it happened maybe 5 or 6 years ago. Everything in SG now is not as low-priced as they used to be (as you know the SGD is getting stronger and stronger).
However, SG is a nice, clean and modern country :)

With one of my best friend on August (I think so) 2008

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